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The subdominant in a scale is the 4th, which in the key of B-flat major is E-flat.

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Q: What is the sub dominant of b flat major scale?
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What is the Dominant in the C major scale?

The dominant note in any scale (major or minor) is the 5th (V) note of the scale.I - TonicII - SupertonicIII - MediantIV - Sub-DominantV - DominantVI - Sub-mediantVII - Leading tone or leading noteIn the case of C major, the dominant note is G.The dominant of C is G.

Code exsample in visual basic convertion in cm to inches?

Private Sub cmdcm_Click() txtin.Text = val(txtcm.Text) * 0.393700787 End Sub ________________________________________________________________ Private Sub cmdin_Click() txtcm.Text = val(txtin.Text) * 2.54 End Sub

What is the difference between the base words super and sub?

Think of 'super' as over or above and 'sub' as under or below.

Sub - mean?

Sub has several possible applications, including a submarine, substitute, subscription or it may refer to lower positioning.

What is a sub programs in qbasic?

Sub programs allow you to break up one long program; into being a series of much smaller tasks; usually, controlled by a main program. Example... ==== As you can see from the above 2 examples; the 2nd example, although longer, creates code that is much clearer and simpler to read. Even non-programmers should be able to figure out what the 'Main Program' section is doing. NOTE: There are certain rules for the use of sub-routines. Such as the sub routine should confine itself to doing just 'one' task at a time. So, SUB clearScreen...does just 'one' job, alone...which is to (CL)ear the output (S)creen. It does NOT clear the screen AND get the user to input a number. This makes it quicker and easier to debug programs; as you know exactly where the code is going wrong; so, for example, if the screen didn't clear, properly...then, look at the Sub-routine called: SUB clearScreen. If the title didn't appear; then, look at the Sub-routine called: SUB printTitle. /-Etc.

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What is the subdominant in a D flat major scale?

The sub-dominant of Db is Gb.

What is the Dominant in the C major scale?

The dominant note in any scale (major or minor) is the 5th (V) note of the scale.I - TonicII - SupertonicIII - MediantIV - Sub-DominantV - DominantVI - Sub-mediantVII - Leading tone or leading noteIn the case of C major, the dominant note is G.The dominant of C is G.

What is the dominant and subdominant arpeggio for the A major scale?

D major(D,F#,A,D) for sub domonant, and E major(E,G#,B,E) for dominant

What is dominant and subdominant?

Dominant and sub-dominant refers to notes of a scale. The dominant is the fifth note (represented with a roman numeral, V) of a scale while the sub-dominant is the fourth (IV) note of that scale. For example, in scale of C major, the dominant is G and the sub-dominant is F.The terms dominant ans sub-dominant can also refer to chords, scales or keys. A dominant chord is one that is built on a dominant note. Musically, the dominant chord is considered to be unstable and must be resolved. Therefore, a dominant chord can be used to build tension in a chord progression.Dominant keys refer to the relationship between notes. For instance, key of G is the dominant key relative to C. Music that changes key often shifts between a tonic and its dominant.

What are the scale degrees for G sharp?

Tonic - G#Supertonic - A#Mediant - B#Sub-dominant - C#Dominant - D#Sub-dominant - E#Leading note - FxTonic - G#

Fourth note of the scale?

Any major scale follows the same pattern. After the first note is a whole step, then another whole step, then a half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step; therefore, the fourth note of a scale is two and a half steps away from the first note.

What is the sub-dominant of F major?

The subdominant of F major A sharp (A#)

What is the sub mediate in b flat major?


What is the eight note scale called?

1. Tonic 2. Super tonic 3. Mediant 4. Sub-dominant 5. Dominant 6. Sub-mediant 7. Leading note 8. Tonic

What are the order of the musical terms which come after the name tonic mediant sub median dominant etc?

Ascending up the major scale, the terms for each degree are the tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading tone, and tonic again. The prefix "super" means above the tonic, and "sub" is below the tonic.

What is the missing note in this series - root median sub - dominant?


What is the leading note of E flat major?

Leading NOTE or the Root note is D#. Leading TONE is D which lies between the sub-mediant and the sub-tonic.