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Mercury, like the planet

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Q: What is the substance in a thermometer that tells us the temperature?
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What is the substance in a digital thermometer that tells us the temperature?

I don't think any substance is used in digital thermometer but according to my views "HEAT SENSORS" are used to measure the temperature.

Can you use the word thermometer in sentence?

The thermometer is broken.Put the thermometer under your tongue.

What are facts about thermometers?

galileo invented it

What is the difference between temperature and heat energy?

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, while heat energy is the total energy transferred between substances due to a temperature difference. In simpler terms, temperature tells us how hot or cold something is, while heat energy tells us how much thermal energy is being transferred.

How does thermometer help us?

in medical terms a thermometer helps doctors to see if we have a temperature in whether it helps us keep track of how the temperatures change through the years

What does the thermometer mean?

A thermometer is a tool used to measure temperature. It typically consists of a glass tube filled with mercury or colored alcohol that expands or contracts with temperature changes, allowing us to gauge how hot or cold a particular environment is.

What are some advantages of a clinical thermometer?

The kink at one end of the thermometer will helps us to read the temperature frequently. P. bhanusree Jhonson grammar school, hyd

How do you tell how hot or cold something is?

use a thermometer.We can feel how hot or cold something is. However, sometimes things are just too hot or cold for us to feel safely. At other times we need to know exactly how hot or cold something is. When we need to measure temperature correctly we need to use an instrument called a thermometer. This measures temperature in degrees Celsius [sometimes called centigrade] or degrees Fahrenheit. There are different types of thermometers for different situations. A medical thermometer, for example, needs to be very accurate. It measures in fractions of degrees. When we are ill, even tiny changes in temperature are important. Some thermometers use a liquid that moves up a very fine glass tube. Most room thermometers, and outdoor thermometers are like this. The liquid is either mercury [ which is poisonous] or coloured alcohol. As liquids get warmer they expand [get bigger], and move up the tube. Water expands too, but not as much as alcohol and mercury. Thermometers that might be used by small children are not made of glass. They use a digital display which lights up the temperature. Inside the displays are chemicals that change colour according to the temperature.

What are the name of the instruments use in measurement?

Measuring Instruments. 1. ruler 2. Thermometer 3. Light meter 4. Isomerism 5. Metric Ruler:- It is used to measure length. Thermometer:- It is used to measure temperature. Light Meter:- It tells us about the brightness. Isomerism:- It is used to measure the motions of the ground. Metric:- It is the measuring Instrument that scientist use. Thank you :)

What does solubility measure?

The solubility is the total quantity of a solute dissolved in a given volume of solvent (100 mL or 1 L) at a given temperature and pressure.

What does aq s g and l mean in chemistry?

These are called "state symbols". In chemical equations, they tell us what form the compounds/elements etc. are present in: * (s) tells us that the substance is solid, such as 'CaCO3(s)' * (l) tells us that the substance is liquid or molten, such as 'H2O(l)' * (g) tells us that the substance is gaseous, such as 'CO2(g)' * (aq) tells us that the substance is in solution ie. aquaeous, such as 'HCl(aq)'

The property of a substance that tell us how much the temperature changes when heat is added?

mealting point