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Q: What is the suffix of adaptation?
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What is the suffix for the word adaptation?

The suffix for the word "adaptation" is "-tion."

What is the prefix root and suffix of adaptation?

adaptation prefix preadaptation

What is the prefix of adaptation?

ad- is the prefix meaning "to or towards", -apt- is a word part meaning "to fit" and the suffix -tion means "condition of, result of, act of, process of, and state of".

What are some words end with the suffix pation?

anticipation. constipation. dissipation. emancipation. exculpation. extirpation. inculpation. nonparticipation. obstipation. occupation. palpation. participation. preoccupation. pupation. reoccupation. syncopation. usurpation.

What is an example of sensory adaptation?

Dark Adaptation Light Adaptation Hearing Adaptation Touch Adaptation Smell Adaptation

Is neglectful a prefix or suffix?

Neglectful combines "neglect" with the suffix "-ful".

What is the suffix of the undoing?

The suffix of "undoing" is "-ing."

What is the relationship between sensory adaptation and negative adaptation?

Sensory adaptation refers to the decreased response of sensory receptors to a constant stimulus, leading to reduced perception of that stimulus over time. Negative adaptation, on the other hand, involves a decrease in the overall response of a system to a stimulus due to prolonged exposure. While sensory adaptation is specific to sensory receptors, negative adaptation is a more general phenomenon that can occur across various systems in response to prolonged stimulation.

What is the suffix of moon?

The suffix of "moon" is "-oon".

Is a skunk's smell a physical adaptation or behavioral adaptation?

Behavioral adaptation

What is adaptation not?

Adaptation is not edible.

What is the suffix of campaign?

The suffix is -er, meaning "one who campaigns."