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Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.

If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life.

Copyright Material By Rick Riordan

I put the 1st paragraph for ya! :)

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14y ago
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14y ago

it starts out with Percy warning you, that if you want to, you can keep reading, pretending that none of this ever happens. also he warns you that if you start to see yourself in the pages to stop reading immediately or else the monsters will be after you. read the book

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12y ago

Chapter 1: "I accidentally vaporize my pre-algebra teacher"

Percy gets into trouble on a field trip. He pushes Nancy Bobofit, a bully, into a fountain. They're about to get into a fight when Mrs. Dodds intervenes. Mrs.Dodds then takes Percy into the Roman and Greek center where Ms.Dodds turns into this monster (Fury) who has glowing eyes and wings, with long fingers. The Fury tries to kill Percy but Mr. Brunner comes in and tosses a pen to Percy which turns into a bronze sword. The pen/sword cuts Mrs. Dodds on the shoulder, then she turns into golden powder. Percy Jackson kills Mrs. Dodds in the Museum on a field trip with a pen/sword, because she was a monster (Fury) with wings and talons and tried to kill Percy because she knew he was special (a half-blood).

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12y ago

Percy goes to this school for kids that need special learning. He has an enemy named Nancy Bobofit, but she won't be mentioned in the book at all. He has this wierd new teacher that came during the middle of the school year. Percy uses his powers w/o realizing and Mrs. Dodds (the new teacher) catches him.

She takes him inside the building and turns into a fury. She demands for Zue's master bolt.
this kid Percy Jackson is going a field trip with his boarding school. His teacher Mrs.Dodds takes him to a greek section in the museum. She turns into one of the three Furies Percy vaporizes her into dust with a bronze sword. Everyone does not think mrs. Dodds ever existed

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9y ago

Since the first paragraphs are very short, I'll copy the first few paragraphs. I hope reproducing such a short section doesn't violate any copyright laws."Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.
If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right
now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life.
Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty
If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on. I envy you
for being able to believe that none of this ever happened."

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14y ago

The introduction was like if you felt that something was stirring in you or if you find something that is similar to your life in this book stop reading.

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10y ago

If you mean the book: "Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood."

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Q: What is the summary of the first chapter in The Lightning Thief?
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In what chapter does Luke betray Percy in The Lightning Thief?

In the end of the first book, his father also comes to his birthday, in the last book.

How many pages is the Percy Jackson book 'The Lightning Thief'?

'The Lightening Thief' is 375 pages long.

Which book is first The Lightning Thief or the Titan's Curse?

The Lightning Thief is the first book in the series therefore obviously came before The Titan's Curse which was the third book in the series.

Should you read Sea of Monsters before lightning thief?

No. Otherwise the characters make little sense and the story line is unclear. What?!?! NO!! You read the first book first! That's why it's first!! (Just in Case: Lightning Thief is first)

The Lightning Thief chapter summaries? This website has audio shows that describe what is happening the Percy Jackson world and has chapter-by-chapter analysis. (some of the news is from a while ago - the first is from October 2008)

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What is the first chapter about in The Lightning Thief?

Percys life

What is a persuasive paragraph out of the book lightning thief?

I think that every paragraph in the first chapter is one. it really pulled me in.

What chapter does Annabeth call Percy seaweed brain?

Annabeth calls Percy "seaweed brain" in the first chapter of "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief."

In what chapter does Luke betray Percy in The Lightning Thief?

In the end of the first book, his father also comes to his birthday, in the last book.

How many pages is the Percy Jackson book 'The Lightning Thief'?

'The Lightening Thief' is 375 pages long.

Which book is first The Lightning Thief or the Titan's Curse?

The Lightning Thief is the first book in the series therefore obviously came before The Titan's Curse which was the third book in the series.

What is the name of the first Percy Jackson book?

The Lightning Thief

Is there a 3rd trailer of Percy Jackson and the lightning thief?

The third, but first international trailer for the Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief is out on youtube. See links below.

Which is the first of the Percy Jackson series?

Percy Jackson and Lightning Thief.

Where is Hades first Mentioned in The Lightning Thief?

As one of the big three.

What is the first line in the Lightning Thief?

i didnt want to be a demigod.

Should you read Sea of Monsters before lightning thief?

No. Otherwise the characters make little sense and the story line is unclear. What?!?! NO!! You read the first book first! That's why it's first!! (Just in Case: Lightning Thief is first)