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do you agree with the statement in the second verse that children laugh in mirth at others tears? give an example

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Q: What is the summary of the poem Punishment in Kindergarten?
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The summary of the poem Punishment in Kindergarten.....

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The poem Punishment in Kindergarten was written by Kamala Das

What is the summary of the poem Punishment in Kindergarten by Kamla Dass?

do you agree withe statement in the second verse that children laugh in mirth at others tears? give an example

Summary of punishment in kindergarten by kamala das?

"Punishment in Kindergarten" by Kamala Das portrays the harsh discipline and fear experienced by young children in a classroom setting. The poem highlights the impact of punishment on the innocence and emotional development of the students, leaving a lasting impression that shapes their understanding of authority. Through vivid imagery and personal recollection, the poet critiques the damaging effects of strict discipline on young, vulnerable minds.

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