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Split it up into 10 equal triangles with base length 3 and get 45tan54o = 61.937 Check it out I could be wrong.

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Q: What is the surface area of a pentagon with a measure of 6 on one side?
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What is the area of a 6 cm pentagon?

If 6 is the side of a regular pentagon, the area is 61.937

How do you find the surface area for a pentagon?

surface area= b x h actually no its 5(a)(s)+5(s)(h) s is side and h is height only problem i dont know what a is

What is the length of one side of a pentagon?

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How do you find the area and perimeter of a pentagon?

Since the question does not say so, you may not assume that the pentagon is regular. One way to find the area is to select any point inside the pentagon and join it to each of the vertices. This will divide the pentagon into 5 triangles. You can then measure the sides of each triangle and thereby calculate its area. Then sum the areas of the triangles. You could also select one side in each triangle as the base and then draw and measure the perpendicular distance to the opposite vertex. That is another way to find the area of each triangle. There are other methods, too. To find the perimeter you will need to measure the length of each side of the pentagon and add these lengths together.

How do you calculate the area of the front surface of the box?

You measure the sides, and multiply the top and side.

What is the area of a pentagon is each side is 10cm?

Area = 172.05 cm2

How do you calculate the total surface area of a box?

The surface area of each side of the box ( there should be six sides unless it doesn't have a top ) added together will give you the total surface area. The surface area of one side is calculated by multiplying the length and the width. The answer will be in square inches or square centimeters depending on what unit of measure you use.

What is the area of a regular pentagon with a side length of ten units?

A regular pentagon has five (5) equilateral triangles within it. Find the area of each triangle (1/2bh where b is the base of the triangle or the length of a side of the pentagon, and h is the height of the triangle or the apothem of the pentagon) and multiply the area of the triangle times five (5).

What is the area of a regular pentagon with side length of 9.4 feet and an another length of 6.5 feet?

What is the area of a regular pentagon with side length of 9.4 feet and an apothem length of 6.5 feet

Regular pentagon of side 10 cm Calculate the area of pentagon?

The area of a pentagon of side length t is given by the formula t2 (sqrt 25 + 10 (sqrt 5)) / 4, or 5t2 tan (54o) / 4. In this case, a pentagon with one side of 10cm has an area of 102 (sqrt 25 + 10 (sqrt 5)) / 4 = 172.05 cm2 (accurate to two decimal places).

What is the area of a regular pentagon if each side is 12?

i belive it is 60