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the bird cleans and grooms the elephant while the elephant provides the bird with food (bugs, etc)

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Q: What type of symbiotic reationship is it when a bird i in a crocodile mouth?
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What is the symbiotic relationship between the thick knee and crocodile?

The Thick Knee eats leeches out of the crocodiles mouth region.. the crocodile gets the blood suckers out of its mouth and the bird gets a meal.

What is the relationship between a bird and a crocodile?

the birds is prey and the crocodile is predator and that my answer

What is the relationship between crocodile and Egyptian plover?

The Egyptian plover, a wader sometimes called the crocodile bird, is alleged to have a symbiotic relationship with the Nile crocodile, flying by as the crocs' mouths are open to drop bits of meat into them, feeding them. They share adaptations such as that they both wade for food.

Which is the bird that enters a saltwater crocodile mouth to pick out the parasites and food particles?

Nile Plover

What bird is sometimes called the crocodile bird because they apparently jump into the mouth of crocodiles to eat food from their teeth?

Egyptian plover

Why does a crocodile open its mouth?

Birds fly into a crocidiles mouth to clean its teeth. The bird is getting food from the croc's mouth while the croc is getting its teeth clean. This is a win-win situation, so if the crocidile ate the bird, the croc wouldn't get its teeth clean.

What are the symbiotic relationship envirolment?

any relationship shared between 2 organisms that is mutually beneficial for the both concerned is called a symbiotic relationship environment. Like a relationship between the Egret bird and the crocodile. The bird helps the animal with cleaning of his teeth and in return gets food.

How does a crocodile gather its' food?

They usually pretend to be a floating log until a bird lands on their mouth-then surprise

What is the ISBN of The Crocodile Bird?

The ISBN of The Crocodile Bird is 0091776368.

Plover bird picks lice off which animals skin?

The Plover bird picks lice off of the crocodile.

When was The Crocodile Bird created?

The Crocodile Bird was created on 1993-09-02.

Explain the symbiotic relationship between the honey guide bird and a honey badger?

symbiotic relationship of honey badger and honeyguide bird