

Why is the god of war a lion?

Updated: 10/4/2023
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9y ago

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Symbolism will vary from culture to culture.

The Greek God of War, Ares, was represented mainly by a spear, but also by vultures and dogs. This was due to spears being heavily used in warfare in the Greek culture. Dogs were also commonly used. The vultures were there for the clean-up.

The Roman god of war, Mars, was represented by his spear and shield. Again, the spear was a common weapon during this time.

The Aztec god of war , Punchau, was symbolized by the disc of the sun. The Aztec recognized the sun as being the source of their power. Punchau was also their sun god.

The Iroquois god of war, Aireskoi, was symbolized by fire. This was for some terrible reasons. The Iroquois practiced torture on victims. They would burn them repetitively through rituals for an extended period of time. At the end of this period of the ritual, they would thrown into a pyre and burned to death as an offering to Aireskoi. The body would then be divided and passed among the tribe for a ceremonial feast.

This is just a small sampling. There are many other warrior gods in other cultures all over the world.

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