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Normally it is = which is an equality sign

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Q: What is the symbol used to indicate an answer in math?
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Why the plus symbol in math?

The plus symbol, "+", is used to indicate an addition.

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The symbol that you describe seems to be the greek letter Phi. It is normally used to indicate a variable that is an angle, just as x is used to indicate a variable that is a numeric quantity.

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A capital A is usually used as a symbol for area in math.

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It is the RADICAL SIGN , its definition is - the symbol used to indicate a nonnegitive square root.

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What are the greek leters in math?

Pi ( π ) - used in geometry: ratio of cirle's circumferenct to diameter.Theta (θ) - symbol used in trigonometry, to indicate an angle measurement in degrees.Sigma (Σ) - used in math for summation of a series.Delta (Δ) - used to indicate a change in something.There may be others that I haven't listed. There are many more Greek letters used in the different science fields. Hope that helps.

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The symbol used between two code numbers to indicate that a range is available is a

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A plus (+) is used to indicate an add-on.

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If they are sanctioned and used to indicate a particular process.