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historical method

observational method

expermental method

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Empirical Method, historical Method ,Comparative Method and Analytical Method

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Q: What is the systematic method of studying politics?
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An algorithm is a systematic method used to solve some problem.An algorithm is a systematic method used to solve some problem.An algorithm is a systematic method used to solve some problem.An algorithm is a systematic method used to solve some problem.

Why aristotal is called father of political science?

Aristotle is often called the father of political science because of his systematic approach to studying politics and his emphasis on empirical observation and analysis. His works, such as "Politics" and "Nicomachean Ethics," laid the foundation for the study of politics as a science and greatly influenced subsequent political thought and theory.

What is the systematic plan for conducting research?

A research method is the systematic plan for conducting research.

What are the approaches in studying politics?

The approaches to studying politics are both empirical and social. The size of the economy, the approbation of the people, and success in legal legislation are some approaches for studying politics. Other aspects, such as, foreign relations are often considered.

What is A systematic method of gathering written or oral information?

Interviewing is a systematic method of gathering written or oral information through direct questioning of individuals.

An orderly systematic approach to problem solving is called a?

The scientific method.

A systematic approach to discovery is known as?

Scientific method

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Research Method

Scientists use a systematic approach to investigating a problem called the what method?

Scientific Method

Desr cibe briefly and in a systematic order the manner or method of properly using a microscope?

describe briefly and in systematic order the proper manners and method of using microscope.

What is the value of studying politics of sport?

The value that people can get in studying politics of sport is they become more knowledgeable in that certain kind of sport. We become less ignorant.

How do you reduce systematic error?

Systematic error is the result of complete equilibrium. The method to reduce systematic error is to introduce a proof that demonstrates the group has error in their consensus.