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Q: What is the tagalog name of yellow bell flower?
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Tagalog name of yellow bell flower?

Trumpet vine, Angel's trumpet

What is the English name of yellow bell?

Some florist lillies look like a bell.

What is the name of the yellow bell-like flower native to New Zealand?

These are the flowers of the Kowhai tree (Sophora).

What is the common name of yellow bell?

Mertensia virginica is the Latin (or scientific) name for the Virginia Bluebell flower. Hyacinthoides non-scripta is the Latin name for the Common Bluebell flower. Campanula rotundifolia is the Latin name for the Bluebell Bellflower.

What is the Scientific name of yellow bell?

The scientific name of yellow bell is "Tecoma stans."

What is the Tagalog name of Santan flower?

SANTAN din...

What is a yellow bell kingdom phylum class order family genus and species?

Yellow bell is not a recognized taxonomic designation. If you meant "yellow bell" as a common name for a species, please specify the species you are referring to (e.g. yellow bell flower, yellow bell pepper) for a more accurate classification.

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Is there such thing as a bell flower?

bell flower is the common name for some varieties of campanula. There are dozens if not hundreds of varieties.

What is the scientific name for Buttercup?

This beautiful flower is known scientifically as "Allamanda" ,Besides being known as a Buttercup. Yellow Bell or Golden Trumpet is also acceptable.

What does the name allyza means?

A yellow flower (:

What is another name for the green bell flower?

Codonopsis viridis