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Q: What is the temperature in savanna in spring?
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What is the average temperature the Savanna?

The average temperature annually at Savanna is 19.1 Degree centigrade.Avg. Maximum Temperature: 24.70C. Avg. Maximum Temperature: 13.3 0C

What is the temperature in the savanna?

It has a temperature range of 68 to 86 degrees.

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What is the temperature of a regular savanna desert?

There is no Savanna Desert. The savanna is a separate biome, a semi-arid transition zone between a desert and a grassland. The largest area of savanna is in Africa.

Are there any seasons common to areas within the savanna?

Yes, spring

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What is the temperature of the post oak savanna?

i really don't know exactly the temperature but it is 89 degrees most of the time

What temperature is it in the savanna desert in the summer?

114degreesClarification:There is no such thing as a savanna desert. A savanna is a transition zone between a desert and another biome, such as a grassland or forest. It is arid but receives more precipitation than a desert.

What type of precipitation and temperature does the African savanna have?

It is 69-113 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the average temperature in the savanna biome?

The African savanna can reach between 68-86 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. It is only slightly cooler in the winter between 68-78 degrees Fahrenheit. It does not experience dramatic temperature changes.

What is the temperature during spring?

Depends where you are. Spring at the poles are still cold. Spring in the desert at the equator is hot.