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the temperature range is -223 C to -220 C

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Q: What is the temperature range for Neptune?
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What is the tempertature range for the planet Neptune?

Neptune has a temperature range is -223° C to -220° C.

What Neptune temperature range?

It is relatively constant at 72K

What is temperature range of Neptune?

The temperature on Neptune is-223° C to >-220° C.

What is the temperature to Neptune?

The average temperature of Neptune is -200 degrees Celsius

The average temperature of a planet is?

The average temperatures range from 470 deg Celsius on Venus to -200 deg C on Neptune.

What is the Neptune's surface temperature?

The surface temperature on Neptune is very very cold. it is - 391 F.

How warm can Neptune get?

Neptune has a temperature of 330.1 degrees... :L

What is the temperature of Neptune and uranus?

Neptune −201 °C. Uranus −197.2 °C.

What is the temparature on Neptune?

The average surface temperature of Neptune is 330 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the lowest temperature on Neptune?

Neptune has a fairly constant temperature of 72 degrees Kelvin. 200 c

What is the temperature of Neptune in c and f degrees?

The average temperature of Neptune is -200 degrees Celsius (C), which is -328 degrees Fahrenheit (F). However, Neptune's temperature can dip down to -218 degrees Celsius, which is -360 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the temperature on Neptune in K?

The average surface temperature is 72 K.