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Q: What is the temperature range of the abyssopelagic zone?
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Which zone do tube worms live in?

the tube worms live in the abyssopelagic zone which is in the ocean.

Were do dragon fish lives in the sea?

Dragon fish live in the abyssopelagic zone of the open ocean.

Which ocean is the deepest abyssopelagic or hadopelagic?

Hadopelagic comes after Abyssopelagic. The Abyssopelagic zone starts at 4,000m (13,000ft) and extends down to 6,000m (20,000ft). The Hadopelagic starts at 6,000m and extends down to 11,040.4m (36,198ft), which is the depth of the Marianas Trench, the deepest known trench, which is found in the Pacific Ocean.

Region that has a characteristic temperature range?

climate zone

What is the temperature range is the temperature danger zone?

The danger zone for food occurs between 40 degrees and 140 degrees.

What is the temperature range in the shallow ocean zone z?

34 degrees

What are the end points of danger zone the temperature range at which bacteria multiply fastest?

The end points or temperature range of the danger zone, where bacteria multiply the fastest, are typically between 40°F (4°C) and 140°F (60°C). Bacteria multiply best in this temperature range, posing a higher risk of foodborne illness if food is left in this temperature range for too long. It is therefore crucial to keep perishable foods out of the danger zone and ensure proper food storage and handling.

What is the danger zone as defined in the food handler manual?

The danger zone in food safety refers to temperatures between 41°F (5°C) and 135°F (57°C) where bacteria can grow rapidly in perishable foods. It is important to keep food out of this temperature range to prevent foodborne illness.

What is the middle layer of the Earth's crust called?

There are 5 layers of the ocean, not 4. They are: 1. Sunlit zone (epipelagic zone) 2. Twilight zone (mesopelagic zone) 3. Dark zone (bathypelagic zone) 4. Abyss (abyssopelagic zone) 5. Trenches (hadalpelagic zone) The scientific names for the layers are in parentheses.

Which ocean temperature zone has the warmest temperature?

suface zone and thermocline zone

What is the average temperature in the neritic zone?

The neritic zone is the shallow part of the ocean above the continental shelf. The neritic zone is also referred to as the coastal waters or the sublittoral zone. As the temperature remains stable as it a well lite area, the temperature range would only vary by location. Those areas closer to the equator would be warmer than the polar regions.

The temperature range of each major climate zone is based on its?

The temperature range of each major climate zone is based on its latitude. Mountains are a great example. The higher you go up the thinner the air becomes and the heat decreases. The lower you go the air becomes thicker and the heat rises.