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Q: Forced payment to the Romans from conquered areas?
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How the Romans were not afraid from their neighbors and their and the people they conquered?

The Roman were tolerant of the culture of the conquered peoples. The allowed them to follow their religions and customs and to use their laws at the local level. Many of these peoples benefited from becoming part of the great trading network of the empire. The emperors promoted an imperial ideology to promote integration and a sense of commonality in the empire. In some areas the Romans protected the frontiers of some peoples and ensured law and order. The presence of armies and the establishment of Roman settlements around the empire led to the Latinisation of many of these peoples. Over time people became used to being in the empire. In some cases the Romans had to pacify the conquered area. This means taking counterinsurgency action until resistance ended. The Romans were very ruthless in suppressing rebellions.

The peoples who exerted the greatest influence on Rome?

The Romans were most gifted in the following areas

Why was Charlemagne important to Christianity?

A:Charlemagne was a pitiless tyrant who conquered large areas of northern Europe and forced the populations to convert to Christianity or die. Kathleen Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Church, said, "Charlemagne converted whole tribes by the sword." In the year 782, the Frankish king Charlemagne reputedly beheaded forty-five hundred Saxons who resisted his campaign of forced conversion to Christianity. In 800, the Pope crowned Charlemagne in Rome, as Holy Roman Emperor.

What did the Romans take from their enemies at war?

That is a pretty vague question. Generally the Romans took the spoils of war, i.e. wealth, which comes in the form of gold, art, and slaves. They also generally conquered the land and made it a Roman province. Examples of the spoils of war taken can be found throughout Rome's archaeological history. For example the arch of Titus in the Roman Forum depicts the spoils of war taken after Vespasian and Titus sacked the city of Jerusalem. Another example would be Trajan's Column which depicts Trajan's campaign against the Dacians.

What was the one religion the Romans considered a problem?

One religion that Roman leaders considered a problem was Druidism. this was because the leaders of the Druid cults proposed war against the Romans and caused civil unrest throughout the Celtic areas. The rites of Bacchus and Christianity were also problematical for the Romans.

Related questions

What is the forced payment to the Romans from the conquered areas?

A Tribute

What was the forced payment to the Romans from conquered areas in the form of grain called?

Just as the Roman Empire charged TAXES to their own people, they charge TAXES to conquered cities/countries as well.

Why did the Romans claim to be conquering areas?

The Romans claimed to be conquering areas because they actually conquered them.

Where did Roman live?

ROME">ROME...Romans lived in Rome, Italy and other areas they conquered, including Britain.

What allowed roman ideas to move to other areas and added to cultural borrowing?

Romans were largely a military empire; they conquered and controlled - thus their ideas survived and thrived.

What areas did the Egypt conquered during the new kingdom?

The areas the New Kingdom conquered were Egypt's Canaanite, Nubia, and Libya.

When did the Romans begin to pull out of the western territory of the empire?

They did not pull out. They continued to live in the conquered areas. Gradually, the invaders formed their own independent governments, but did not chase Romans living there out. The invasions were not about destroying the empire, though they contributed to it. They just wanted land.

Was roman life probably influenced by the cultures of the lands rome conquered?

Thecultureof the conquered land influencedRomethoughfourroutes trade, Romans who lived in the conquered areas, immigration, and art. Rome imported good from alloverthe empire. This brought the Romans in contact with other peoples' objects, artifacts, foods and animals from other cultures and, at least for the well to do, theculturesthemselves. Many Romans went to live in conquered areas, becameaccustomedto and brought informationabouttheir cultures. At one point the majority of the population of Rome was from outside the city. Many were slaves brought there after victoriousbattles.Evenwhen enslavement decreased, there were many people who migrated to Rome. This made Rome amulticulturalcity. The art of theprovincesalso came to influence the art of Rome. TheRomansliked to combine different artistic traditions,.

What is the significant of Romans road?

A road is a road. The Roman roads, like any other road, was used to get people, goods and troops from one point to another in an efficient and (hopefully) safe manner. They were one of the civilizing factors that the Romans brought to the areas that they conquered.

In each of the areas Napoleon conquered and added to his empire he established this type of government?

Napoleon established a monarchy in the areas he conquered and added to his empire.

In each of the areas Napoleon conquered and added to his empire he established this type of government.?

Napoleon established a monarchy in the areas he conquered and added to his empire.

What did Romans build in conquered areas to help stabilize their rule and increase communication?

The Romans built a vast network of roads around the empire and many bridges and ports. They also built dams for flood control or for irrigation and aqueducts to bring water from the sources on the mountains to the towns.