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i think the answer is cramp

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Q: What is the term meaning a localized muscle spasm named for its cause?
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What criteria is Gluteus maximus is named by?

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How did months get their?

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What would be some basis for the name of a muscle?

A muscle can be named based on a variaty of things: * Its origins and insertions, eg. the sternomastoid muscle has attachments at the sternum and the mastoid process of the skull. It may also be referred to as "sternocleidomastoid" in reference to its articulation with the clavicle. * Its action, eg. the levator scapulae muscle acts to raise ("levator") the shoulder blade ("scapulae") * Qualities of the muscle itself, eg. the digastric muscle is named for its two muscle masses/bellies. "Di-" referring to "two" and "-gastric" referring to "belly" * Historical/social reasons for naming, eg. the sartorius muscle's name literally means "tailor" and was so named because this muscle was particularly defined in these workers. This was because they often sat with one leg crossed over the other as they worked.