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So basically , the theme of the poem " the Man that don't fit in" is Man's desire. Desire to get things. It emphasizes on one particular character of man which is Man , being the person who doesn't have one definite goal. Man doesn't fit in one specific place. His desire , dreams , everything changes as time passes by. We dream new dreams everyday. When certain circumstances don't seem in favour , Man oughts to take another way , and do something else. He forgets about his dreams and ambitions and looks for new ones instead.

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The theme of the poem "The Man Who Doesn't Fit In" by Robert Service is about individualism and nonconformity. It celebrates the idea of embracing one's uniqueness and going against societal norms, even if it means being an outsider. The poem encourages readers to be true to themselves and not be afraid to stand out from the crowd.

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