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the theme of this story is "life"

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10y ago
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12y ago

Beginning Action

When Camus was a young man, he has been the houseboy of a German haciendero. The German is a Bachelor and he often told Camus that his punishments were for his own good became he must learn to shed his indolent and clumsy ways if he ever hoped to amount to anything. Camus and his wife were themselves becoming people of consequence. They now owned best in the barrio which other lakeside Village lay at the base of a high chit which the people called Munting Azul because a perpetual haze clung to its summit. Meding, his wife leaved the hard driving manners of towns folk. It constantly amazed her how she could make idle time yield profit, and even more astonishing, how having made profit she held on to it.

Rising Action

All their life sentiment had very little meaning perhaps because

Love had never figured in the courtship. Camus married Meding because his father and her father had agreed on the union.


The superintendent meet camus as Cook. It was insult for the part of camus, but he continue to disguised as cook even if he's not.


Every step was taking him nearer to the Superintendent's house and how could he go to him without the chuckins of his throat was parched the vendors thrust their wares at him again. Pinipig, kroopek, Balut, Mais Laga above the voices a tinkling bell now attracted him. He turned around, an ice cream, they exchanged a look of understanding.

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