

What is the three most common elements?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Carbon bonds with chlorine potassium and other solids and liquids to make salts.

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13y ago

What ARE the three most common elements?

1) Hydrogen

2) Helium

3) Lithium

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8y ago

The three most common elements that bond together to form organic compounds are Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

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13y ago

Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen

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14y ago

hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen

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Q: What is the three most common elements?
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carbon, hydrogen, oxygen....

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carbon, hydrogen, oxygen....

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carbon, hydrogen, oxygen....

Explain how three of the most common elements found in living things are important to the human body?

Carbon is the backbone of organic molecules like carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids in the human body, essential for energy production and structural support. Hydrogen is crucial for maintaining the pH balance in the body, forming water molecules that are essential for various biochemical reactions, and is a component of important compounds like DNA and proteins. Oxygen is necessary for cellular respiration, the process by which cells generate energy. It is also a component of water and plays a key role in various metabolic processes in the human body.

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The four most common elements in the universe are hydrogen, helium, oxygen, and carbon.