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Q: What is the top vertical zone in the ocean?
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What are the three main vertical divisions of he ocean based on the depth and distance from the shore?

The Intertidal zone, Coastal Ocean, and The Open Ocean.

What are the three main vertical divisions of the oceans based on the depth and distance from the shore?

The Intertidal zone, Coastal Ocean, and the Open Ocean

Where is the sunlit zone?

The sunlit zone is the top layer of the ocean, it is 0-600 feet down.

What are the three main vertical divisions of the ocean based on the depth and distance from the shore?

The Intertidal zone, Coastal Ocean, and the Open Ocean

What are facts about the open ocean zone?

The open ocean zone is also referred to as the pelagic zone. Facts of the area include that it is everything in the ocean except the coastal areas. It is the top sunlit layer of the ocean and is the marine ecosystem's largest area.

How is the oceans temp different?

At the top of the ocean, or Sunlit, It is warmer because the top of the ocean the sun is closer then it is to the twilight,dark,abyss, and trenches zone. At the bottom of the ocean, or Trenches, It is colder because the sun can not reach that low in the ocean better then it can the Sunlit zone.

Describe the three major ocean zones?

The 5 ocean zones are: 1. Sunlight zone 2. Twilight zone 3. Midnight zone 4. Abyssal zone 5. Hadal zone These zones are according to the depth of the ocean. 

Where would cold water flow in the ocean?

cold water flows in the ocean to the coast of California

What ocean zone gets light?

There are three light zones in the ocean. 1) Sunlight Zone, also called the Euphotic Zone. The Sunlight Zone gets lots of light. 2) Twilight Zone, also called the Disphotic Zone. The Twilight Zone gets little light. 3) Midnight Zone, also called the Aphotic Zone. The Midnight Zone gets absolutely no light. As the depth increases, the amount of light decreases and the pressure decreases.

Which zone probably has the greatest variety of living things the neritic zone or the itertidal zone or the open-ocean zone?

This question is debatable. It could either be the open-ocean zone because it is bigger and deeper so animals who can live at the bottom and the top can live in the open-ocean zone. it could be the neritic zone because of the water that flows through and etc. =D

What is the photic zone fo the ocean?

the photic zone is the place where 90% of under water sea life lives. it also has the most sunlight. because it is the top of the layers of the ocean.

What ocean zone do lamprey live in?

The lampray can live in any ocean zone The lampray can live in any ocean zone The lampray can live in any ocean zone