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Q: What is the total displacement of a dog that runs north 80 meters to chase a ball returns to its mater and then runs south 20 meters?
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Rescue squad mater, mater the greater, el materdor, undentified flying mater, Tokyo mater, monster truck mater, heavy metal mater, moon mater, and mater private eye

What are the mater's tall tales episodes?

Some of the episodes from the "Mater's Tall Tales" series include "Rescue Squad Mater", "El Materdor", "Tokyo Mater", "Unidentified Flying Mater", and "Monster Truck Mater". These episodes feature Mater as he tells exaggerated stories about his past adventures.

What is the Roman name for mother?

Mater tua is the Latin equivalent of 'your mother'. In the word by word translation, the noun 'mater' means 'mother'. The possessive adjective 'tua' means 'your'.

What is mater in latin?

Mater is mother in English. FYI, the genitive of mater is matris.Hope this helps.

What are the meningeal layers of the CNS?

what are the three layers of the meningeal layers that surround the central nervous system

What the universe made of?

mater and anti-mater

What is an arachnoid mater?

An arachnoid mater is a membrane which protects the brain and spinal cord below the dura mater and above the subarachnoid space and the pia mater.

What meninges layer is closest to the bone?

The pia mater.There are 3 layers of meninges: the pia mater adheres to the brain and spinal cord; the dura mater is next to the skull, and the arachnoid mater is in-between the two.

What is meningeal layer that adheres to the surface contour of the brain?

There are three layers of meninges around the brain and spinal cord (these are continuous between the two structures). The outermost layer is the Dura mater, the toughest and most protective layer. The middle is the arachnoid layer, and the pia mater is the innermost layer.The protective layers of the brain are the 3 meninges. From the outermost layer to the innermost layer, they are the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater.Dura mater,arachnoid mater,pia mater,skullThe protective membranes surrounding the brain are called the meninges, and from outside to in are named the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and the pia mater.meninges

What do you call the brain cover Answer has mater?

pia mater

What is the origin of mater?

Mater is the latin word for mother.

What is the correct pronounciaton of alma mater?

alma mater