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The answer is insulation because when you override its principles you can see that it's cooler.

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Q: What is the type of energy that is greater in a swimming pool with a temperature of 24 C than a puddle with a temperature of 24 C called?
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What type of energy that is greater in the swimming pool with a temperature of 24c then in a puddle with a temperature of 24c?

The swimming pool would have more thermal energy than the puddle at the same temperature of 24°C due to its larger volume of water. This is because thermal energy is directly related to the amount of matter (in this case water) present, so a larger body of water like a swimming pool will contain more thermal energy compared to a small puddle.

What is a result of internal motion of particles of matter?

Internal motion of particles of matter results in an increase in temperature, as the particles gain kinetic energy. This motion also leads to the expansion or contraction of the material, as the particles move closer together or farther apart. Additionally, internal particle motion can lead to changes in the phase of the material, such as melting or boiling.

Thermal energy or heat energy?

Thermal energy, also known as heat energy, is the energy that comes from the internal vibrations of atoms and molecules within a substance. It is the energy that determines the temperature of a system and can be transferred through conduction, convection, or radiation. Thermal energy is a form of kinetic energy that results from the movement of particles.

When there is more kinetic energy what happens to the thermal energy and temperature?

Molecules with a high temperature typically have a greater kinetic energy when compared to those with a lower temperature

The higher the temperature of something the greater its?

The greater its kinetic energy.

How do liquid chemicals become gases at room temperature?

This physical phenomenon is called evaporation. Molecules with a greater energy escape from the liquid.

What is the average kinetic energy of a particle called?

The average kinetic energy of a particle is called its temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles within a substance.

How does temperature relate to amount of energy present in a substance?

Higher temperature means greater energy content compared to a lower temperature. The energy required to change the temperature is proportional to the mass of the system, the specific heat capacity, and the temperature change.

Is temperature a measure of how much thermal energy an object has?

No, temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object. Thermal energy, on the other hand, is the total energy of all the particles in an object due to their motion. Temperature provides information about the intensity of the heat, while thermal energy refers to the total heat content.

Is temperature a measure of the kinetic energy of an object?

Yes. Temperature in Kelvins a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles that make up the substance. The higher the temperature the greater the kinetic energy. The lower the temperature the lower the kinetic energy. At absolute zero there is no movement of particles, hence no kinetic energy.

What is the average kinetic energy of particles in an object called?

It's called the Temperature.

Is it true that the faster gas particles move the greater their energy and the lower their temperature?

No, the temperature of a gas is actually a measure of the average kinetic energy of its particles, not their speed. Faster-moving gas particles do have higher kinetic energy, leading to a higher temperature.