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the cheshire cat

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Q: What is the type of the cat in Alice in Wonderland?
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What is the name of Alice kitten in the Alice in the wonderland?

If you were wondering about Alice's pet cat, her name is Dinah. If you were talking about the cat in Wonderland, his name is Cheshire Cat.

What animal can disappear in Alice in Wonderland?

The animal that is constantly disappearing in Alice in Wonderland is the Cheshire cat. He can fade in and out of sight at will.

How do you pronounce the cat's name in Alice in Wonderland?

The famous cat in Alice in Wonderland is the Cheshire Cat. With a British accent, this would be pronounced CHESH-uh cat. In an American accent, it would be CHESH-er cat.

In Alice in Wonderland for the Wii where is the cat?

Unlock the cat in the red desert

Are the cats in Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland the same cat?

No, they're similar though aren't they? The cat in Alice in Wonderland was the Cheshire cat.. it was purple, could talk and disappear. The evil stepmother's cat couldn't do that.

How did the Cheshire Cat almost get Alice beheaded Alice in Wonderland?

juggernaut time

What is a smiling cat called?

In Alice in Wonderland the smiling cat was called a Cheshire Cat.

What character from Alice in wonderland had an enourmous grin?

The Cheshire Cat is known for its enormous grin in "Alice in Wonderland." It appears and disappears at will, leaving only its smile visible to Alice.

What is the name of the cat in Disney's classic Alice in Wonderland 1951?

Cheshire cat

Who is the main character in the book where the Cheshire Cat appears?

Alice, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Does the cat or the caterpillar smoke the pipe in Alice in Wonderland?

The Caterpillar smokes the hookah pipe in Alice in Wonderland, not the cat. The Caterpillar is a character that Alice encounters in the story who is often seen smoking and blowing smoke rings.

What is the name of Alice's pet cat in 'Alice in Wonderland'?

There are two cats in Alice in Wonderland. Alice's pet cat is called Dinah, she stays in the real world and doesn't go to Wonderland with Alice. Alice frequently talks about her which frightens the animals she meets there. The other cat is the Cheshire Cat, who Alice meets in Wonderland. It is famous for appearing and disappearing, leaving just its enormous grin. It isn't Alice's, it belongs to the Duchess and doesn't have a name, it is simply known as the Cheshire Cat. To see Tenniel's and Disney's pictures of Dinah and the Cheshire Cat, follow the Related Links below.