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The decibel.

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Q: What is the unit for volume or loudness?
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The answere What is the unit for volume or loundness?

What is the unit for volume or loudness

Which loudness measure unit?

The unit of loudness N is "the sone" and the unit of loudness level (volume) LN is "the phon". Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of sone to phon".

What volume is 1.5 hz?

'Hz' is a unit of frequency. It has no connection to volume, area, loudness, weight, etc.

What is the unit of perceived loudness equal to 40 phons?

Units used to measure loudness are Sone (loudness N) and Phon (loudness level L). 40 Phons = 1 Sone. Scroll down to related links and look at "Loudness - Wikipedia" and "Sound level change and the change of the respective factor of volume and loudness"

Which element of music is measured in decibels?

The loudness or volume of music is measured in decibels. Decibels are a unit used to quantify the intensity of sound.

What is the word that describes levels of loudness?

The word "volume" represents the relative "loudness" of a sound. The word "decibel" is a unit of measurement for sound.

What unit is used to measure sound and loudness?

Units used to measure loudness are Sone (loudness N) and Phon (loudness level L). Scroll down to related links and look at "Loudness - Wikipedia" and "Sound level change and the change of the respective factor of volume and loudness"

What is a unit used to express loudness of a sound?

The psychoacoustic loudness N is measured in sones. The loudness level (Volume) LN is measured in phons. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of sone to phon and the problem with dBA".

What unit is a measurement of loudness?

Decibel is a measurement of loudness.

What unit is measured of loudness?

Decibel is a measurement of loudness.

What is the unit of the loudness of sound?

Loudness is the quality of a sound that is primarily a psychological correlate of physical strength or amplitude. You can try to measure the sound pressure in decibels. Scroll down to related links and look at "Loudness in sones - Wikipedia ", Loudness level in phon - Wikipedia ", and Subjectivly sensed loudness (volume), objectively measured sound pressure (voltage).

What is an Alternative word for the amplitude of a sound wave?

Loudness. Volume.