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it is called Inca

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Q: What is the upholstery code number for a 1999 Eurovan with aqua-green and maroon triangles and trapezoids on a gray background?
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Related questions

What is the difference between triangles and trapezoids?

Triangles have three sides while trapezoids are quadrilaterals with four sides. Trapezoids have one set of parallel lines. Triangles do not have any sets of parallel lines.

How many trapezoids in a hexagon?

Because there are 6 triangles in a hexagon, and 3 triangles in a trapezoid, there are 2 trapezoids in a hexagon.

Which figures out of Triangles Trapezoids squares or pentagons have the same number of lines of symmetry?


How do you divide a square into 2 triangles and 2 trapezoids?

By cutting through its diagonal and cutting off each corner parallel to its diagonal which will leave you with 2 triangles and 2 trapezoids.

How many triangles and trapezoids make a hexagon?

You need at least four triangles, or at least three trapeziums. Or two triangles and one trapezium.

How are trapezoids and triangles alike?

The only way they are both alike as if they a equilateral.

What is the difference between the area of two triangles within two congruent trapezoids?

There is not enough information about the triangles to be able to answer the question.

Is a trapezoid a triangle?

No, trapezoids are quadrilaterals, they have 4 sides. Triangles have 3 sides.

Shape with no symmetry?

Some shapes that fit that condition are parallelograms, scalene triangles, and trapezoids.

What is the game called where you try to match a shape on a card with triangles and squares and trapezoids?


Do triangles and trapezoids have the same number of lines of symmetry?

yes it has the same number of lines of symmetry

How do you make a hexagon using 4 shapes?

use 4 triangles, make 2 trapezoids then put them into a hexagon