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Birds, including eagles, do not have a separate urinary system. Instead, they have a single excretory system that filters out urea, which is then excreted as a white powder or paste along with the feces.

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Q: What is the urinary system like in an eagle?
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What function is like the digestive system?

Urinary, because the urinary system is much like the digestive only that its working with urine and stuff like that.

What system comes after the urinary system?

When urine exits the urinary system, it is at the exterior of the body. There is no system "after" the urinary system.

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The urinary system and skin are similar. The skin acts as a channel to help detoxify the body, just like the urinary system. Certain toxins the body prefers to flush out via the bladder rather than the skin, and vice versa.

What system does the bladder belong to?

It belongs to the urinary system.

Is the urinary system sterile or nonsterile?

The urinary system is sterile

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It do not do functions not that are to unrelated that urinary system do.

Names of the urinary system organs?

the urinary system it is the meaning is ta meaning im jusk kiddding it is the urinary system im so happy to tell na urinary system

What are parts that found in urinary system of goose?

A goose does not have a urinary system like we human, or other mammals do. Instead of a urethra that is separate from the anus, birds have a cloaca that serves as both a urinary and fecal exit from the body.

Is the bladder in the excretory system?

NO, the urinary bladder is part of the urinary system.

Which system of the body contains the ureters?

The ureters are part of the urinary system. There are two ureters, one coming from each kidney. They attach one on each side at the top/sides of the urinary bladder. They carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

What system removed metabolic wastes from the body?

Urinary System (A+)

What body systems include the kidneys and bladder?

Organs of the urinary system include the kidneys, ureters, bladder and the urethra.