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Q: What is the use of rubella injection?
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If you have rubeola are you protected from rubella?

No, rubeola and rubella are separate infections with their own vaccination content (although they are usually combined into a single injection along with mumps protection.)

How is exposure to rubella by a pregnant woman treated?

Exposure to chickenpox or rubella by a nonimmune pregnant woman may be treated with an injection of immune globulin to help prevent fetal transmission.

What is the effect of not having a rubella injection?

Hmm nothing much if you're not pregnant. It's just that when you're bearing a child for the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, if you were to get infected by Rubella, chances of your child having Rubella for life is high. If you had the shot, you wouldn't get affected by Rubella and your future child won't face any problems at all. It's best to go safe :)

Can you give rubella vaccine to positive rubella patient?

Can you give rubella vaccine to positive rubella patient?

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What is the lethel injection

Is rubella red?

Rubella is a disease caused by the rubella virus. The name "rubella" is derived from the Latin, meaning "little red."

What term do they use when an injection right into the muscle?

An injection into muscle is called 'an intramuscular injection.'

What is betapion cream?

Betapion is 0.05% cream, I think you should use it when you have Rubella.

What is rubella vaccine used for?

MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella) is the vaccine used to prevent rubella.

What does rubella affect?

Is rubella a latent viruse?

No, it is not. However, congenital rubella syndrome is. This occurs when a pregnant woman contracts rubella early on in her pregnancy. The rubella may or may not affect the infant.

What vaccine is used for rubella virus?

MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella) is the vaccine used to prevent rubella.