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Q: What is the use of studying BBM?
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Related questions

Is the BBM working in china?

YES, you can use your bbm in China. my pin:2ADEBDFE. If you have any question about china, you can bbm me

Can you get bbm on HTC desire?

Yes, you can use BlackBerry's BBM app on the HTC One.

Can you use bbm with prepaid ATT?

No you cant use BBM or Email on a Blackberry AT&T prepaid phone. Sucks!

You want to know what is the benefits of studying bbm?

i becom juniar manager. i need business knowledge and business skills.

Can you use bbm on Android phones?

No bbm is just for blackberry but you can get PingChat which Blackberry, iPhone and android can get

Can you use bbm in other countries?


What is a cheap phone that can get bbm?

BBM is available for Blackberry, Android, iOS (Apple), and Windows Phone operating systems. So, an inexpensive or cheap phone from any of those mobile OS manufacturers should be able to use BBM.

How do you use bbm?

on bbm you get a pin so to get bbm contacts find out what their pin is. then press the bb sign and scroll down and click on invite contact then insert their pin and wait for it to be confirmed then you can just chat with your friends. hope this helps !

Can you use Whats-app to talk on BBM?

Not yet but the integration is in the pipeline

Can you add a fake bbm pin on bbm?


Can you use blackberry messanger without internet?

No you can't. You need Internet for BBM

How do you top up bbm on orange?

You can't top up bbm, normally when you get your plan it comes with the BlackBerry option which allows you to freely use bbm, normally on payg you can also add this option for something like £5 a month although you'd have to go and talk to them about it.