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2 dollars and thirty-seven cents

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Q: What is the value of a painting done by Charles buxton called indisgraced?
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Charles Butler painting called 'King of Kings'?

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What country is Buxton in?

There are two towns called "Buxton" in England, on in the south of England and one in Derbyshire, near Manchester. Because the English who migrated around the world during the European expansion named their new towns after towns in England, there are many other places called Buxton around the world in countries that were settled or colonized by the English.

Who is famous American Artist known for his Revolutionary War Paintings?

The painting called Washington Crossing the Delaware was painted by Emanuel Leutze in 1851. Today, this Revolutionary War painting is kept at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

What is a support in painting painting?

it is called a babady boopy. jeez

What painting by Leonardo de Vinci is a glorification of the human body?

Not a painting, but a drawing, called Vitruvian Man.

What is the main filled- in space within a painting called?

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What is the style of painting also called 'Action Painting'?

Abstract Expressionism.

What do you call a painting of part of the countryside?

A painting of part of the countryside could be known as a scenic painting.

What is a law made by parliament called?

I don't know but I love Victoria justice and ..........

What is that painting called that has a colorful dripping face on a white backdrop?

Action painting.

Type of painting when artist pants over another painting?

This is called modification.

Which Millais painting was used to advertise Pears soap?

The painting is called Bubbles.