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Two quarters = 50 cents.

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Q: What is the value of two quarters coins?
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You have 114 coins of value 63.75 in quarters and loonies how many quarters are there?

there are 67 quarters

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47 Quarters 83 Nickels

What is the value of a 1987 and 1992 two face state quarter?

With the dates of 1987 & 1992 they can't be State Quarters first year for state quarters was 1999. If the coins have Washington's Head on both sides they're novelty coins and have no collectible value at all.

Keoki has 22 coins that are all dimes and quarters. If their value is 4.35 how many dimes and quarters does Keoki have?

If Keoki has 14 quarters and 8 dimes (for a total of 22 coins), she has $3.50 and $0.80 or $4.30 in coins. If Keoki has 15 quarters and 7 dimes (for a total of 22 coins), she has $3.75 and $0.70 or $4.45 in coins. If Keoki has 22 coins that are all dimes and quarters and their value in total is $4.35 as asked, there isn't a combination of coins that will permit her to have both 22 coins and $4.35 worth of coins.

John has a total of 13 coins in his pocket Of the 13 coins they are all either quarters or dimes The total value of the coins is 2.50 How many quarters does John have in his pocket?

8 of them.

You have between 70 cents and 90 cents Two coins are quarters What are your coins?

You have provided insufficient information to answer the question. You would need to tell either (i) the total number of coins or (ii) the exact total value.

What are 5 coins that have a total value of 1.05?

4 quarters and one nickel

Mula has 27 coins that are all dimes and quarters the value is 4.35 how many dimes and quarters does mula have?

Mula has 16 dimes and 11 quarters.

What is the value of 20 quarters?

Leaving aside any numismatic or (for coins issued in 1964 or before) silver value, 20 quarters equals 5 dollars.

What are 5 coins that have a total value of 1.05. Four of the coins are the same and their sum is a multiple of 10. What coins does Darla have?

She has 4 quarters and a nickel.

If you have two coins that equal fifty five cents one is not a nickel what coins do you have?

two quarters, that's simple.

Jessie has 6 coins that are worth 71 in all What coins does she have?

Two quarters, a dime, two nickels, and a penny