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the fat and oil inside a layer . By Dr.Schautzer C. Clark

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Q: What is the variable in the greasy potato chip experiment?
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Related questions

Are all potato chip greasy?

Standard potato chips are greasy because they are fried. But you can now get baked potato chips that have no fats or oils.

What is the procedure of are all potato chips equally greasy?

what is the greasyest potatoe chip procedure

Are you a potato chip junkie?

that really depends on the person; I for one am not. I find that after awhile they get too greasy for my liking.

What is a good title for a science fair project about greasy potato chips?

how much grease is in chips

Does Which chip is greasiest?

Frito Lay's chips are the greasiest. I tested them in a science expirement, and they by far are the greasiest...

Difference between potato chip and french fry?

The difference is that potato chips have more fat in them, and also are more greasy that tortilla chips. Tortilla chips have salt but they aren't very greasy. Many people prefer potato chips better than tortilla.

Why was the potato considered alive and the potato chip as not?

potato can grow while potato chips can not grow therefore potato is considered to be alive and potato chip is not.

Which brand of potato chips has least grease?

I think it is the ones that say "kettle baked" or "organic" or "fat free." I recommend you try Veggie Chips- they come in straw form and chip form, naturally flavored with potato, spinich and tomato. Seasoned with sea salt and rosemary oil. Non-greasy, very healthy. Hope that helps!

Personify a potato chip bag?

The empty potato chip bag was hungry

What is a good title for a potato chip project?

Potato chip project. Crisp Project. Spud chip project. Yummy crips! All about crisps! Potato chips, potato chips!

What has more mass a potato or potato chip?

Since you can make many potato chips out of one potato, obviously a whole potato has more mass than one potato chip.

What did one potato chip say to the othe potato chip?

"Shall we go for a dip?"