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The verb forms of protection are protect, protects, protecting and protected. It depends on the tense.

For example:
"I will protect you".
"He protects her".
"He is protecting the queen".
"She was protected".

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Q: What is the verb of protection?
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What is a verb of protection?

The verb for the word protection is protect.Protects, protecting and protected are also some verbs.

What ÃŽs the verb form for the word Protection?

The noun forms for the verb to protect are protector (one who protects), protection, and the gerund, protecting.

What part of speech is protection?

The word protect is a verb. The past tense is protected.

What is the verb in the sentence They can't withdraw into their shells for protection?

The verb in the sentence is can't withdraw.Note: The word can't is a contraction of the verb 'can' and the adverb 'not'; the contraction can't is a helping verb for the main verb withdraw.

Is protect a noun?

No, the word 'protected' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to protect. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.The noun forms of the verb to protect are protector, protection, and the gerund, protecting.

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Adjective forms for the verb protect are protected and protectable,

What is the verb in this sentence 'For what reasons are these rhinos in need of protection'?

There are actually 2 verbs in this sentence. Are and need.

How do you spell protection?

That is the correct spelling of the noun protection(something that shields or safeguards).

Is protecting an adjective?

Protective is an adjective derived from the noun "Protection".Protecting is the gerund of the verb to Protect.Protectively is an adverb from the verb to Protect. Protectiveness is a noun.Protecting endangered animal species is my goal.

What is the noun for protect pollute and meditate?

The noun forms of the verb to protect are protector, protection, and the gerund, protecting. The noun forms of the verb to pollute are polluter, pollution, and the gerund, polluting. The noun forms of the verb to mediate are mediator, mediation, and the gerund, mediating.

What is noun of protecct?

The noun forms for the verb to protect (spelled with one 'c' only) are protector, protection, and the gerund, protecting.

What is the verb for protection?

The verb of protection is protect.Protects, protecting and protected are also verbs."I will protect you"."He always protects he family"."We are protecting the witness"."Make sure you are protected before beekeeping".