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Q: What is the water pressure as it exits into the air?
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Why is water pressure stronger than air pressure?

Think of it this way, if you had a plastic bottle filled with water and you poked a hole in the side, would water squirt out or would air squirt in? If air squirted in, then the air pressure would have to be higher. But since we know that the water would squirt out, we know that the water's pressure must be stronger. Of course, this is under normal conditions. If you pumped the air pressure up enough, then the air pressure may become stronger than standard water pressure. So actually, water pressure is generally stronger than air pressure.

Air pressure becomes lowet as water molecules are addrd to the air because water molecules?

Air pressure becomes lower as water molecules are added to the air because water molecules have less weight.

How does air pressure affect how much water vapor air can hold?

Warmer air has higher saturation mixing ratios then cold air does. So therefore because of this 100% humidity in cold air is not 100% humidity in warmer air. The warmer the temperature, the more water vapor in the air. The colder the temperature, the less water vapor in the air.

How do water temperatures affect air pressure?

Water temperatures can affect air pressure through the process of evaporation and condensation. When water is heated, it evaporates and the water vapor exerts pressure on the surrounding air molecules, increasing the air pressure. Conversely, when water cools and condenses, it releases heat energy which can reduce air pressure in the vicinity.

Why does Atmospheric pressure exists because air has what?

Because air has water vapor.

Related questions

Why does water have to do with air pressure?

In a well system, water is propelled by air pressure.

Why water pressure exiting a hose is different in open air than in a bucket full of water?

The Pressure exerting against the stream (on the end of the Hose opening) is 14+ pounds per square inch in Air, and 64 pounds per square inch in water. So the water in the bucket exerts a greater "Opposing Pressure" against the hose opening. This reduces the effective water pressure as the water exits the hose. If you had a Deep enough Bucket, the flow out of the hose would potentially stop, when the pressures were equal and opposite.

Why is water pressure stronger than air pressure?

Think of it this way, if you had a plastic bottle filled with water and you poked a hole in the side, would water squirt out or would air squirt in? If air squirted in, then the air pressure would have to be higher. But since we know that the water would squirt out, we know that the water's pressure must be stronger. Of course, this is under normal conditions. If you pumped the air pressure up enough, then the air pressure may become stronger than standard water pressure. So actually, water pressure is generally stronger than air pressure.

What most of the bodys water exits as?

Most of the body's water exits the body as?

Does deep sea have high air pressure or high water pressure?

High water pressure.

Why is atmospheric pressure and water pressure different?

The big reason is because air is air, and water is water. The second reason is because air is compressible, while water cannot be compressed. What that means is that if you compress air to twice the pressure, it will be one-half the volume. If you compress water to be twice the pressure, the volume won't change.

Air pressure becomes lowet as water molecules are addrd to the air because water molecules?

Air pressure becomes lower as water molecules are added to the air because water molecules have less weight.

How does air pressure changes altitude increases?

It decreases. Air pressure is simply the pressure of all the other air on top of it. As you increase in elevation, there is less air on top of you. Therefore, the air pressure is less. As your altitude decreases, there is more air on top of you, therefore, the air pressure increases. Same with water. As you descend, water pressure increases. More on top of you.

How does water get into an air pressure tank?

If you mean a well tank, the water is forced in by the pump. The residual air pressure pushes the water out to the faucets.

What is a example of air pressure?

an example of air pressure would be 45% of water vapor outside.

How the atoms react in air pressure?

'atoms' cannot 'react' to air pressure for air pressure is generated from atoms (oxygen, noble gasses, water).

How volume of air effects air pressure?

meteorology and water