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The moon has no daytime or nighttime. Half of it is always in the sun and the other half is always dark. There is no atmosphere, so there can't be any weather.

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Q: What is the weather on the moon in day time?
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What is the weather like on the moon at day time?

Cold and dry. The weather on the moon is always the same since space is a vacuum there can be no water. And the only light comes from the sun.

Why there a moon in a day time?

there is a moon in day time becuse it is summer from Angel

Weather stations make weather observation at the same time of the day serval times a day?

Weather stations make weather observations at the same time of the day several times a day.

What do you call the moon in the day time?

The Moon

Does moon have weather?

No the moon has no weather.

Why you don't see moon everyday?

The only day on which you generally do not see the Moon is on the day of the "new" moon, when the Moon is quite near the Sun in the sky. On any other day of the 29-day cycle, you will - weather permitting! - be able to see the Moon, either in the morning or in the evening.

Does the moon have daytime and nighttime?

Yes, it can be argued that Moon has a day time and night time. Day time is when the moon is shining bright above the sky, night time is when the moon is dark. Hence the term "Dark Side of the Moon".

What the moon and weather affect the moon?

The Moon doesn't significantly affect weather on Earth, and weather on Earth doesn't affect the Moon at all.

What is the weather like outside of the moon's biosphere?

The moon has no atmosphere, hence it has no weather and no biosphere. It has no biodome, either. There is no colony on the moon, no one lives there. It is a lifeless rock in space. That may change some day, but that's how it is in the year 2010.

What is the moon's weather like?

The moon has no weather because it has no atmosphere.

How was the weather like on the moon to Neil Armstrong?

The moon has no atmosphere therefor there is no weather on the moon.

Why are weather readings taken at the same time each day?

Because during the day the weather changes