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The first flashlight weighed more than six pounds and had a handmade battery that was half a foot long!

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Q: What is the weight of the first flashlight?
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Related questions

What is the first flashlight made of?

The first flashlight is made of flowerpot, lamp and batteries.

Which came first the battery or the flashlight?

The battery ... without that it can't be a flashlight.

Where was the first flashlight made?

In US, first flashlight was made. Conrad Hubert (aka Akiba Horowitz) invented it in 1902.

When was the first flashlight made?


How long did it take conrad hubert to invent the first flashlight?

Conrad Hubert invented the first flashlight from a shining flowerpot on 1938.

How did the first flashlight work?

The first flashlight reflect beam from a flowerpot is USA. bulb is in flowerpot and battery is fixed at buttom of flowerpot.

How much did the first flashlight weigh?

10 pounds

When was the first wind up flashlight invented?

The idea of a wind up flashlight came from the 1959 movie, journey to the center of the earth.

Why was the first flashlight invented?

Because God said, "Let there be light!"

How do you change battery in brinkman mini flashlight?

You cannot turn on a flashlight without battery inside. That's impossible if the only energy of flashlight is a battery.

How could you use a flashlight to test two different brands of batteries to see which brand had more energy?

Well what you would do is you would put the first brand of batteries in the flashlight and you would time how long the batteries lasted and right it down . Then put the second brand of batteries in the flashlight and turn on the flashlight and time the flashlight and see how long the batteries lated and wright it down and you have your answer .

How do you make your cell phone a flashlight?

To install a flashlight software on your cell phone and open the flashlight of camera as a normal flashlight.