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Q: What is the white fluid that comes from a female rabbit?
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Related questions

What kind of rabbits do you have?

I have one normal sized brown lopped ear rabbit(female), one black and white dwarf lop ear rabbit(female), one pure white normal lop ear rabbit(female) and a brown and grey mini lop rabbit(male).

What is the weight of new zealand white rabbit?

A New Zealand White rabbit would weigh 8 - 10 lbs for a male, and a pound or so heavier for the female.

Are white rabbits male or female?

White rabbits can be either male or female. See the related question below for info and links with pictures that can help you identify if your rabbit is male or female.

If a rabbit fur is white is it a male or female?

Both male and female rabbits can have white fur. See the related question below about sexing rabbits for more details and helpful links.

Do herpes have white?

No the discharge that comes out of Herpes is a clear white fluid, if the discharge that you see is white in color it is not herpes.

What has the author White Rabbit written?

White Rabbit. has written: 'The Amaranth'

When was White Rabbit - comics - created?

White Rabbit - comics - was created in 1983.

What type of biome does a white rabbit prefer?

the white rabbit prefers coniferous forests

Where does lymph come from?

Lymph comes from the interstitial fluids spaces in blood where interstitial fluid is found. Lymph is composed mainly of white blood cells.

What color is the Easter rabbit?

The Easter rabbit is white.

Where is Wonderland?

down the white rabbit's rabbit hole.

What do you call a female doe rabbit?

Hare females are called doe not hare! hare is a compleatly different species! i concure.A female rabbit is a called a "doe," just like a female deer. (Sometimes a female rabbit is called a "jill," but that's not very common.)Female rabbits are "does", males are "bucks" and the babies are "kittens" (kits).