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The 'commons' is a term used for areas in a town or city that are 'common' to all the people of the community. They were sort of like parks or gathering places. Most small communities have a large open area near the center of town, often just off the town hall or courthouse like this. In days gone past, sheep were often grazed in the commons to keep the grass low.

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Q: What is the word 'commons' used for in 'The Hobbit'?
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The hobbit is the main character in the book The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.The word hobbit may come from the Old English word holbytla, which means hole-dweller.

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It does not appear in the first chapter of The Hobbit.

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The "commons" is the word that comes to mind. Or as you have used already the "grounds" could be used. Or you could be thinking of 'campus'.

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No. Names, titles, and common words/phrases are not eligible for copyright protection. Additional information: The word 'hobbit' was none of those when first used in J.R.R. Tolkien's novels, and, as such, is a trademark owned by the Tolkien estate.

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How did J.R.R Tolkien get the name The Hobbit?

He says that it simply popped into his head. He was grading exams and came upon a blank page. He wrote "In a hole there lived a hobbit." There is a similar word used in some Scandanavian stories that he may have recalled subconsciously.

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When is the mace used in the commons?

At all Royal ceremonies.

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Where does the name hobbit come from?

holbytla, a word from rohan, meaning hole dweller.

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in a ceremony