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Q: What is the word for distance of a complete wave?
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What is the distance between one complete wave?


What is the distance between one point of a wave to the same point of the next wave?

That is incorrect.The distance of one complete wave cycle (for example, from one wave crest to the next) is called the wave's wavelength.The number of cycles per second is called the frequency.

Can you think of other ways of describing the wavelength of a wave?

The wavelength of a wave refers to the distance between two crests or the distance between two troughs. The length of one complete wave cycle is called a wavelength.

How do you measure wavelength on a transverse wave?

1 wavelength in a transverse wave is equal too the distance between crest and crest or trough and trough

What is the distance to one wave of the distance to the next wave?

The distance from one wave to the next wave is called the wavelength.

What is the name of the distance between wave crest?

The wave's wavelength is the name is the distance between wave crest.

What word that means distance between two adjacent compressions?

wave lengthwave lengthWAVE LEnGtH

What is compression and a rarefaction in a longitudinal wave?

When you have the complete compression and rarefaction of a longitudinal wave, that is one complete wave.

What is the wavelength of the wave?

The distance from one peak to the next peak

What is the distance between to point of the crest of a wave it is called what?

In a wave, it is called the wave length.

What is the distance from the crest of one wave to the crest on the next wave?

That distance is called the wavelength.

What is difference between wavelength and amplitude?

Wavelength - the distance from one wave crest or trough to another wave crest or trough.Amplitude - the distance from the median point or "middle" of the wave straight up to a crest (a maximum) or straight down to a trough (or minimum), which is the peak amplitude; or the distance from a trough straight up to a crest, or a crest straight down to a trough, called peak-to-peak amplitude. A more general definition for amplitude might be the "height" of the wave. Note that wavelength is a function of the frequency of a given wave or "signal" and the speed at which that wave travels. One way to look at things is to throw a rock into a pond and create a wave. The wave would travel outward from the point where the rock struck the water, as you may have guessed. Picture the wave forming in slow motion. As the wave was going through its complete cycle, the wave would be moving away from the point of origin. As the wave goes through one complete cycle, the wave is still moving away. And by the time one complete cycle has occurred, we have only to measure the distance that, say, a crest traveled back to the next crest to determine the wavelength. Think it through and it will lock in.