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The word "mnemonics" is derived from the Greek "mnema," which means

remembrance," and "mnemonikos," which means "of memory."

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Q: What is the word mnemonics derived from?
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How could mnemonics be used in medical terminology class?

Mnemonics can help students remember complex medical terms by creating associations with easier-to-recall phrases or words. For example, using "Never Lower, Tilt Higher" to remember the orientation of the heart's apex. Mnemonics can also be effective for remembering lists of related terms, such as using the word "SPRINTS" to recall symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Ultimately, mnemonics can aid in retaining and recalling large amounts of medical terminology information more easily during exams and in clinical practice.

What has the author Thomas Coglan written?

Thomas Coglan has written: 'An improved system of mnemonics' -- subject(s): Mnemonics