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The root of the word.

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The root.

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The root of a word carries the main burden of its meaning. It is the core of the word that gives it its essential sense and cannot be further broken down into meaningful parts. Prefixes and suffixes can modify this meaning, but the root is where the fundamental essence lies.

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A root word is?

the portion of a word that contains its basic meaning.

What is the rootword?

A root word is the basic form of a word from which other words are derived by adding prefixes or suffixes. It is the fundamental part of a word that carries its core meaning. For example, "act" is the root word of "actor" and "action".

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The basic foundation of a medical term is the root word, which provides the fundamental meaning of the term. In addition to the root word, medical terms may also include prefixes (added to the beginning of the root word) and suffixes (added to the end of the root word) to modify or further specify its meaning. By understanding the root word and any prefixes or suffixes, one can better comprehend the overall meaning of a medical term.

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