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Q: What is the word which describes attributing human emotions to inanimate things?
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What is the personification for this sentenceThe wind sang her mournful song through the falling leaves?

people sing .. wind doesn't :) attributing human trades to things or animal is called personification :)

Is rain and Inanimate object?

usually animate and inanimate describes things that are living. i wouldn't necessarily consider water to be living. water isn't an object. it's a form of matter. it's a liquid. the result of a combination of elements.

What literary term describes this statement some lazy and ignorant smoke curled slowly?

Personification - attributing human qualities to non-human things, in this case giving the quality of laziness and ignorance to the smoke.

What another word for non living things?

Inanimate objects ,

Is a lonely mirrior an example of personification?

Yes, a lonely mirror is an example of personification because it gives human qualities (loneliness) to an inanimate object (mirror). Personification is when non-human things are described as having human characteristics.

How do you call things that are not alive?

Inanimate objects.

What are animate and inanimate objects?

Animate objects are things that are alive like animals and plants, inanimate objects aren't alive, like books and paper.

Attributing your success to your own abilities and your failures to things beyond your control is the mark of a(n)?

Optimist :)

Are emotions a form of energy?

no, since emotions are things invented by mankind to describe the things we feel. Try warming up a cup of coffee using your emotions... this might take a while since emotions are not physical things you can touch.

What do personifies mean?

Personification is a literary device where human qualities, characteristics, or emotions are attributed to inanimate objects, animals, or abstract concepts. It helps create vivid descriptions and adds depth to the writing by giving non-human things human-like attributes.

What is land that doesn't have to rely on other things?

Land is inanimate. It cannot rely on something.

What does an apple and a dog have in common?

They are both living things (animate, as opposed to inanimate objects).