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The worst thing about nuclear energy is that it can kill people.

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The worst thing about nuclear energy is the risk of accidents such as meltdowns, which can have serious environmental and human health consequences. Disposal of radioactive waste is also a major concern as it remains hazardous for thousands of years. Additionally, nuclear proliferation poses a threat to global security.

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Q: What is the worst thing about nuclear energy?
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What is the worst source of energy?

Nuclear energy can be considered one of the worst sources of energy due to the potential for catastrophic accidents, long-term environmental impact from radioactive waste, and concerns about nuclear proliferation.

Is nuclear reactors and nuclear energy the same thing?

Nuclear energy is released when U-235 undergoes fission, and that takes place in nuclear reactors (or nuclear weapons). So a reactor is a thing constructed to produce nuclear energy.

What is the worst thing about radiation?

Well the worst thing about nuclear radiation is when explodes from a nuclear bomb not only the explosion do damage the radiation destroyes molecules get people really sick and kill the that's why it's so dangerous

What are three examples of nuclear energy?

a star, a thing and a thing

Is nuclear energy and nuclear fuel the same thing?

No, they are not the same. Nuclear energy refers to the energy produced through nuclear reactions, while nuclear fuel is the material (such as uranium or plutonium) that undergoes fission reactions to release energy in a nuclear reactor. Nuclear fuel is used to generate nuclear energy.

What is the only thing that a nuclear reactor can do?

Produce heat (energy) from nuclear fission.

What is a good thing about nuclear energy?

It does not produce CO2.

What is the worst kind of energy?

Nuclear energy can be considered one of the worst types of energy due to the potential risks associated with accidents, such as meltdowns and radiation leaks, as seen in incidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima. Additionally, the long-term storage of nuclear waste poses environmental and safety concerns.

What does nuclear power create?

Energy. How we use it makes it a good thing or a bad thing.

Is Nuclear energy the same as heat energy?

Nuclear energy comes from reactions within the nucleus of an atom, while heat energy refers to the transfer of thermal energy. While nuclear reactions can produce heat energy, they are not the same thing. Nuclear energy is a specific type of energy, while heat energy is a form of energy transfer.

Usefulness of nuclear energy related to atomic energy?

Nuclear energy provides about 20 percent of US electricity, so it is useful. Atomic energy is the same thing, but is now an obsolete term, we use nuclear energy as the description now.

What is the benefit of nuclear fusion and What is one thing nuclear fission and nuclear fusion have in common?

The benefit of nuclear fusion is its potential to provide a virtually limitless and clean energy source with minimal environmental impact. One thing nuclear fission and nuclear fusion have in common is that they both involve the release of energy by altering the nuclei of atoms, although through different processes.