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A word for something done yearly is annual.

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Q: What is the wrod use for something done yearly?
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Do pandas use water yearly?

They get water yearly but they dont use it

When do you need to use did?

in the process whereby there"s something you have done

Another word for done with something?

finished is a good word to use when you are done with something through, as in I'm through with you, it, that,them etc,etc,etc.

How many people use a hotel yearly?

They are less in number I think about 10% people use hotel yearly.

When to use by any means or by all means?

you can use it when you want something done soon and that you want to be surely done no matter what it takes.

Use the word yearly in a sentence?

My cousin go yearly to Michigan to visit her aunt.

When to use have and have been?

The word 'have' can be used to describe something done to something else, eg. "I have ridden a motorcycle.". The phrase "have been" can be used to describe something done to you, such as: "I have been taken advantage of.".

Use wrod principally in a sentence?

Principally your concern with language should rest in the spelling of words, only as a secondary principle need you seek out more ornate forms :-)

How do use the words annual and yearly in one sentence?

"An annual payment is a payment made on a yearly basis."

What proofreading marking shuold you use to insert a missing letter?

In proofreading it is customary to use the " ^ " symbol to specify that a letter or wrod is missing from the scentence. You want to write the word or letter above the "^" sign to specify what the missing word or letter is.

What was homespun use for?

not a use, but something that was done(an action) such as, Marie homespun her apparel. It's like home-made clothing.

How can you Use unprovoked in a sentence?

Something that has been provoked means that it has been caused or led on by something that has been done or said. Unprovoked means not caused by something that has been said or done.