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Longshore drift. Please see the related link.

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2w ago

The zigzag motion that carries sand grains along a beach is known as longshore drift. It is the process by which sediments move along the shoreline in a zigzag pattern due to the angle of incoming waves.

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can food Kill you?

yes it can if u eats too much you can cause you body to not be able to digest fast enough and basicly you will explode

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13y ago

Longshore drift

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Q: What is the zigzag motion that carries sand grains along a beach known as?
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How are zigzag and back and forth motions similar?

Zigzag and back and forth motions are both characterized by a repetitive pattern of movement that alternates in direction. They involve changing course multiple times along a path, creating a series of sharp angles or reversals. Both types of motion can be used to cover a larger area efficiently or to create a visually interesting pattern.

Difference between rectilinear and linear motion?

Rectilinear motion is motion along a straight line, while linear motion is motion in a straight line in any direction. Rectilinear motion is restricted to motion along a single axis, while linear motion can occur along any direction in a straight line.

Is the motion of a body along a curved path translational?

No, the motion of a body along a curved path is not translational, as translational motion refers to straight-line motion. The motion of a body along a curved path involves a combination of translational and rotational motion due to changes in direction.

What are the types of translational motion?

The types of translational motion include rectilinear motion (motion along a straight line), curvilinear motion (motion along a curved path), and general plane motion (combination of translation and rotation).

What is the Relation between rectilinear and circular motion?

Rectilinear motion is motion along a straight line, while circular motion involves moving along a circular path. One can be seen as a special case of the other - circular motion can be decomposed into both rectilinear motion along the tangent and angular motion around the center.

Related questions

The zigzag movement of sand grains along a beach is?

Beach Drift

What are elements lying along the zigzag line on a periodic table called?

The zigzag line is called the zigzag line or is sometimes referred to as the Hays-McDaniel line

These bones join along zigzag lines known as?


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What is a water current that moves in a zigzag pattern along the beach?

A water current that moves in a zigzag pattern along the beach is known as a rip current. Rip currents can be dangerous for swimmers as they flow perpendicular to the shoreline, pulling swimmers away from the coast. It is important to be cautious and vigilant when swimming in areas prone to rip currents.

What do you call the zigzag movement of pebbles along the beach by waves?

Longshore Drift

What is a water current that moves sand in a zigzag pattern along a beach?

Longshore Current..

What kind of wave carries Waves on a String?

it's the transverse wave that carries waves on a string .b'caz waves on a string proceed along the length of the string but the particles of the medium that is the particles of the string move perpendicular to the motion of the wave.

Why are metaloids found at the spot on the table?

There is a zigzag line (staircase) running along group 13 to group 17. Metalloids are found along the staircase.

What is the difference between linear motion and random motion?

Linear Motion is motion of object/body along a straight line.Random Motion is the motion of an object/body along a disordered or irregular line.

What are the 3 types of motion and there definition?

The three types of motion are linear motion (moving in a straight line), rotational motion (spinning or turning around an axis), and oscillatory motion (back-and-forth movement around a central point). Each type of motion is characterized by a specific pattern of movement.

Difference between rectilinear and linear motion?

Rectilinear motion is motion along a straight line, while linear motion is motion in a straight line in any direction. Rectilinear motion is restricted to motion along a single axis, while linear motion can occur along any direction in a straight line.