

What is thermal softening?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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11y ago

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Thermosofting is the name of a plastic that has weak bonds between the molecules, so when the plastic is heated the bonds between the molecules break allowing the plastic to become soft. When the plastic is cooled again the forces between the molecules bring them back together. This causes the plastic to harden.

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2w ago

Thermal softening is a process where a material becomes softer as its temperature increases, typically due to the breaking of intermolecular bonds or increased molecular motion. This can lead to reduced strength and stiffness in the material, making it more susceptible to deformation or failure under applied loads. Thermal softening is commonly observed in metals, polymers, and other materials when exposed to elevated temperatures.

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11y ago

A thermal softening is degradation of strength and hardness at high temperature.

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