

What is thread class in java?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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The ability of a program to concurrently execute multiple regions of code provides capabilities that are difficult or impossible to achieve with strictly sequential languages. Sequential object-oriented languages send messages (make method calls) and then block or wait for the operation to complete.

Programmers are already familiar with concurrent processes, possibly without

recognizing them. For example, operating systems usually have many processes

running to handle printing, updating the display, receiving mail from the network, and so on. In contrast, most programming languages do not promote the use of concurrent operations within one application. At best, programmers have access to a few library calls to launch and control multiple operations.

Java provides language-level and library support for threads--independent

sequences of execution within the same program that share the same code and data address space. Each thread has its own stack to make method calls and store local variables.

Most applications that use threads are a form of simulation or have a graphical

user interface, but threads in general have the following advantages over sequential programming:

Threads support concurrent operations.

For example, Server applications can handle multiple clients by launching a thread to deal with each client.

Long computations or high-latency disk and network operations can be handled in the background without disturbing foreground computations or screen updates.

Threads often result in simpler programs.

In sequential programming, updating multiple displays normally requires a big

while-loop that performs small parts of each display update. Unfortunately,

this loop basically simulates an operating system scheduler. In Java, each view

can be assigned a thread to provide continuous updates.

Programs that need to respond to user-initiated events can set up service

routines to handle the events without having to insert code in the main routine

to look for these events.

Threads provide a high degree of control.

Imagine launching a complex computation that occasionally takes longer than

is satisfactory. A "watchdog" thread can be activated that will "kill" the

computation if it becomes costly, perhaps in favor of an alternate,

approximate solution. Note that sequential programs must muddy the

computation with termination code, whereas, a Java program can use thread

control to non-intrusively supervise any operation.

Threaded applications exploit parallelism.

A computer with multiple CPUs can literally execute multiple threads on

different functional units without having to simulating multi-tasking ("time


On some computers, one CPU handles the display while another handles

computations or database accesses, thus, providing extremely fast user

interface response times.

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13y ago

Thread can be considered as a program in execution. Java gives us the facility to create a thread from within another java program. You can create a thread two ways:

1. Extending the Thread Class. Ex:

Public class ThreadTest extends Thread {

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15y ago

the Thread class is used to create Threads in Java. you can create a thread by extending the thread class.


public class A extends Thread {


public void run(){




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13y ago

Thread can be considered as a program in execution. Java gives us the facility to create a thread from within another java program. You can create a thread two ways:

1. Extending the Thread Class. Ex:

Public class ThreadTest extends Thread {…}

2. Implementing the Runnable Interface. Ex:

Public class ThreadTest implements Runnable {…}

In both these classes, we must write the logic that must be executed as a separate thread inside the run() method and this would be invoked using the Thread.start() method

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I am assuming that you want to know how to multithread in Java. 1) Write a class that implements Runnable. Put just the method run() in it. 2) Inside the run() method, put the code that you want your thread to run. 3) Instantiate the class (example: Runnable runnable = new MyRunnable();) 4) Make a new Thread (example: Thread thread = new Thread(runnable, <the name of your thread(optional)>); 5) Start the thread (example: thread.start();) 6) That's it! Your thread is now running. PS. Check the Java API for more information. Did that answer your question?

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What is meant by a thread in java programming language?

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Can you restart stopped thread in java?

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Threads in java?

Yes, java supports threaded execution. Threads can be created explicitly by constructing and starting a Thread object; or implicitly by running in a managed environment. For instance: a web server typically runs a thread for each http connection. Java has specific constructs for threading: the "synchronized" and "volatile" language keywords, and the "wait" and "notify" methods on the base object class. Additionally, there are objects in the standard class libraries such as threadsafe collections and higher-level mutex utility objects.

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Java is called multithreaded because it allows the programmer to define multiple threads of execution manually. The main program would continue to execute as one thread and we can speed up the processing by declaring individual threads. Threads in Java can be created in two ways: 1. By extending the Thread class & 2. By implementing the Runnable interface