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the systematic comparison of findings on the some research topic generated by different research methods. such comparisons are often portrayed as a procedure of validation by replication, but the portrayal is misleading.

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1mo ago

In sociology, triangulation refers to the practice of using multiple methods or data sources to validate or corroborate findings. By using a combination of research approaches, researchers can enhance the credibility and reliability of their results, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon being studied. Triangulation can involve using different data collection techniques, theories, or perspectives to strengthen the overall analysis.

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12y ago

Triangulation refers to applying several research methods that relate to the same topic.

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When was Journal of Sociology created?

Korean Journal of Sociology was created in 1964.

What is sociology and its important?

sociology is social study

What are the abbreviations for a BA in sociology?

The abbreviation for a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology is typically written as BA (Sociology).

What are the different shspe of macroscopic sociology and microscopic sociology?

whT are the different shape of macroscopic sociology and microsciology

What is the abbreviation for sociology?

The abbreviation for sociology is "SOC."

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What has the author Walter F Reynolds written?

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Triangulation in earthquakes refers to the method of determining the exact location of an earthquake epicenter by using data from at least three seismic stations. By measuring the time it takes for seismic waves to reach each station, seismologists can pinpoint the location where the waves originated. This triangulation method helps provide accurate information about the earthquake's epicenter and other characteristics.

Does the Brooklyn bridge use triangulation?

Yes the Brooklyn bridge does use triangulation. If you want proof look at a really big picture or use this link below. Zoom in and you can see the triangulation at the sides.

What has the author Jasper S Bilby written?

Jasper S. Bilby has written: 'Reconnaissance and signal building' -- subject(s): Triangulation 'Bilby steel tower for triangulation' -- subject(s): Triangulation signal towers

Is Triangulation primarily used to measure the distance of close stars?

Answer #1:no=================Answer #2:Yes.Another answer: The primary use of triangulation may not be to measure the distance of stars, but the method which is used to measure the distance of close stars is primarily triangulation.

How are the epicenter and the focus located?

with triangulation

Is there any cell phone with triangulation technology?

Yes. GSM phones (phones sold by T-Mobile and AT&T) use triangulation.

What has the author F R Gossett written?

F. R. Gossett has written: 'Manual of geodetic triangulation' -- subject(s): Triangulation

Can you use triangulation in a sentence?

Triangulation of the exact location of any given thing has become much easier with the development of satellite technology.