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Q: What is true about how a firm in a competitive market decides what level of output to produce in order to maxmize its profit?
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Market forces (offer and demand). Mexico is a capitalist country.

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There is no such thing as a perfectly competitive market. It is merely a economic model to compare other market structures to. Cigarette market is more likely a oligopoly.

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In a competitive market, it will produce an excess of supply (for the floor price, supply is bigger than demand)

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A competitive market is one that has multiple buyers and sellers. This means there is no single vendor or consumer who has absolute control over the price in the market. In such a market, businesses openly compete for market share.

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By Market Force

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There are multiple characteristics which correspond to an ideally competitive market. These are a rule of law and contracts enforcement, competition through multiple merchants, market integrity against anti-competitive behaviors, and consumer confidence.

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