

What is unknown substances?

Updated: 5/24/2024
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14y ago

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an unknown substance is when you smell something and it can lead to any formula like exasopei and or hologrophuclas i know it sounds silly but its true

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1w ago

Unknown substances are materials whose composition or properties are not readily identifiable or known. These substances may require analysis or testing to determine their characteristics, which can help determine their potential uses or hazards. It is important to handle unknown substances with caution until their nature is determined.

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13y ago

All the sciences contain unknowns; science is a continuous fight for the knowledge.

And an unknown is simple...not known.

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8y ago

When we don't know the compostion of a material this is called unknown substance.

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Q: What is unknown substances?
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If an unknown substance CANNOT be broken down into simpler substances it is?

If an unknown substance cannot be broken down into simpler substances it is made of one kind of atom and an element.

Why should you avoid skin contact with the unknown solution?

Skin contact with unknown solutions can lead to irritation, allergic reactions, chemical burns, or absorption of toxic substances into the body, causing adverse health effects. It is important to always handle chemicals or unknown substances with caution and use personal protective equipment to prevent skin contact.

What is the silvery powder has a constant melting point and does not chemically or physically separate into other substances the unknown substance can be classified as what?

The unknown substance can be classified as a pure substance. This is because it has a constant melting point, indicating a well-defined chemical composition, and does not separate into other substances, demonstrating homogeneity throughout.

What is the purpose of adding an indicator to an unknown solution?

Adding an indicator to an unknown solution helps to visually show a change in the solution, indicating the presence or absence of certain chemical properties such as pH. This change can help in identifying the nature of the unknown solution or determining the endpoint of a reaction.

What is meant by a mixed melting-point determination?

A mixed melting-point determination is a technique used to determine the purity of a solid compound by mixing a known pure sample with an unknown sample and observing the melting point of the mixture. If the melting point of the mixture matches that of the known pure sample, it suggests that the unknown sample is pure as well.

Related questions

If an unknown substance CANNOT be broken down into simpler substances it is?

If an unknown substance cannot be broken down into simpler substances it is made of one kind of atom and an element.

When you are measuring the melting point of a mixture which consists of two unknown substances how can you find out what substances does the mixture consists of?

heat it

How do I know if it's a sperm stain or something else?

Unknown substances can be analysed by a chemist.

Knowing the solubility of an unknown substance in water can help to identify what it is.?

Knowing the solubility of an unknown substance in water can help you calculate its molarity. It is however important to get its weight first.

Why is it important not to taste unknown substances that are being used during an experiment?

Tasting unknown substances used in experiments can be dangerous because they may be toxic, caustic, or harmful if ingested. Even a small amount could cause serious health issues or poisoning. It is important to use proper safety protocols, including the use of personal protective equipment, and follow established procedures for handling and identifying chemicals to avoid any potential risks.

Who would use chromatography?

Crime labs use chromatography to identify unknown substances by breaking the two substances down into their constitute parts, and comparing them to see if they are a match.

How do you use density to identify an unknown object?

yes, very often its one of the best things to messure things with. Didn't you pay attention in 6th grade scinence?

Why you can separate a mixture without any change in the identity of the substances?

Why a mixture can be seperated without any changes in the identity of the substance is unknown publicly. However, it is known that the seperation of these substances usually involve the process of mechanical filtering or decanting.

Why are solubility tests helpful to determine unknown substances?

A simple solubility test can be used to identify an unknown substance. Most substance will make a precipitate when around certain molecules.

What role does the chromatography plays in identification of the unknown?

Chromatography is used in the identification of unknown substances by separating their components based on their interactions with the stationary phase. By comparing the retention times of unknown substances with known standards, chromatography can help determine their identity. The unique separation patterns produced by chromatography techniques can assist in identifying compounds by their characteristic retention times.

How will Phenolphthalein help you test for unknown substances?

Phenolphthalein is a pH indicator that changes color in response to different pH levels. By using phenolphthalein, you can determine if a solution is acidic or basic based on the color change it exhibits. This can help you identify unknown substances by comparing the color change with known pH values of different substances.

Explain how difficult or easy it was to decide what elements were in the unknown substances using your result?

This depends on many factors. The identification is made by methods of analytical chemistry.