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Actinium which is number 89.

Aluminum which is number 13.

Americium which is number 95.

Antimony which is number 51.

Argon which is number 18.

Arsenic which is number 33.

Astatine which is number 85.

Barium which is number 56.

Berkelium which is number 97.

Beryllium which is number 4.

Bismuth which is number 83.

Bohrium which is number 107.

Boron which is number 5.

Bromine which is number 35.

Cadmium which is number 48.

Californium which is number 98.

Carbon which is number 6.

Cerium which is number 58.

Cesium which is number 55.

Chlorine which is number 17.

Chromium which is number 24.

Cobalt which is number 27.

Copper which is number 29.

Curium which is number 96.

Dubnium which is number 105.

Dysprosium which is number 66.

Einsteinium which is number 99.

Erbium which is number 68.

Europium which is number 63.

Fermium which is number 100.

Fluorine which is number 9.

Francium which is number 87.

And 64 other elements.

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1mo ago

Chemical elements are the basic building blocks of matter. They are arranged on the Periodic Table based on their atomic number and properties. Each element has unique characteristics, such as atomic structure and reactivity, that determine its behavior in chemical reactions.

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How many chemical elements are found up to date?

Now (22.08.2012) 118 chemical elements are known.

What is made up of elements chemically combined in fixed rations?

These elements form chemical compounds.

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All matter is made up of different elements. Elements are pure substances that cannot be broken down further by chemical means. They combine to form compounds which make up all the substances we see around us.

How do compounds differ from elements?

Compounds are made up of 2 or more elements.Compounds can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means, but elements cannot.Compounds are made up of 2 or more elements. Compounds can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means, but elements cannot.

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Both are formed from chemical elements.

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The Moon has no atmosphere.

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A substance is called a compound when it is made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together. Compounds have a fixed chemical composition and properties that are different from the elements that make them up.

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Soup is not a chemical compound but a mixture. It will have a very large number of elements which make up the ingredients: meats, vegetables, flavourings, preservatives.

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